What will Education look like in the Metaverse? 🧐

Mohit Jain
2 min readJan 16, 2022

Pandemics and Climate Crises call for supplemented learning tools that can tackle the problems of the changing times.

You know, two-thirds of rural children in India didn’t receive formal education materials during the pandemic. Such a grave loss right?

The pandemic and the shifting trends posed a very definite question in front of all of us.

Is centralized education systems the only way to learn?

The pandemic catalyzed an already transitional shift in education towards skill-based learning and employment, and this dimensional shift has brought forward a stream of content creators building their online courses and communities.

Can you imagine learning Political Science while sitting in the Parliament of India (virtually, of course)?

Or taking cohort-based classes in augmented reality from and with people across the world?

Or learning Mandarin in a Chinese School based out of China?

From K-12 education to upskilling/reskilling of our current workforce, the potential of the Metaverse is diverse in both Centralized and Deentralized Learning.

The existing infrastructure makes it hard to produce it for the masses, and that problem statement will persist in India in the coming time.

But there are schools across the globe incorporating learning in real and virtual reality in conjunction.

Very excited about the potential of such cohesive learning methods and the innovation Indian EdTech brings about in the coming years.

I believe to tackle the problems of the future, requires smarter methods of learning in the present.



Mohit Jain

Interested in tech, history, cooking and everything in between